Course Overview:
In many instances, law enforcement officers have limited opportunities to interview witnesses to crimes or interrogate suspects that are under arrest. It is crucial that officers obtain a truthful and accurate account of what occurred. This can be accomplished by strategically planning the interview and understanding the importance the written statement plays in obtaining the truth.
The subconscious mind plays a critical role in detecting misleading behaviors during criminal investigations. When individuals are faced with stressful questions, they often rely on recognizable behavior changes that are seen in the narrative of the written statement. This course will delve into the differences between the indicators of veracity and the indicators of deception and how the two often contradict each other when a suspect is providing a written statement.
Officers should also recognize the importance of developing baseline behavior when conducting interviews. If the officer doesn’t know how the person behaves or responds when telling the truth, it will be difficult to detect deception. Detailed information will be presented on proper ways to establish baseline behavior.
The instructor will illustrate various indicators of misleading behaviors seen in written statements using written statements of actual witnesses and suspects. Practical scenarios will also be used to reinforce the lecture.
12625 Wetmore Rd, Suite 436
San Antonio, TX 78247
United States