Is the AACOG Law Enforcement Academy right for me?
The AACOG Regional Law Enforcement Academy is a vocational training organization that prides itself on preparing people for a career in public service as law enforcement officers, corrections officers, and first responder emergency dispatchers.
In order to achieve this, the Academy is a structured para-military environment with its own rules and expectations for police cadets attending basic peace officer training. These rules and expectations align with those of policing agencies, and as such, this better prepares police cadets for entering the law enforcement profession and meeting the expectations of future employers.
Over the years, Academy personnel have addressed cadet performance issues to include:
- Excessive Tardiness and/or Absences
- Cell phone/Smart phone usage during class or training sessions
- Sleeping in Class
- Failure to meet the Minimum Academic and Physical Training Standards of the Academy
- Disrespect towards other Cadets
The Academy employs a progressive discipline approach to violations that can range from coaching up to and including removal from the course.
To ensure your success in the program, it is highly recommended you make sure you are willing to abide by the rules of the Academy. Everyone accepted into the basic peace officer program will have the rules of the Academy shared with them during class orientation, and they will need to provide written acknowledgement they have read and understood these rules.
If you feel there are concerns or issues in your current situations in life that may prevent you from meeting the expectations of the AACOG Basic Peace Officer Program, you may want to reconsider applying for the Academy until you are sure you will be able to meet the established standards of the program.
Can anyone join a law enforcement academy and become a peace officer?
No, you must meet certain eligibility requirements set by state law and the Alamo Area Regional Law Enforcement Academy. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen.
Cf. State Law
What things may keep me from being eligible to attend the Alamo Area Regional Law Enforcement Academy?
- Not meeting state required basic educational certifications.
- In order for an individual to enroll in any basic licensing course the individual must meet the following standards:
A search of local, state and national criminal records that:
i. the individual is not currently charged with any criminal offense
ii. the individual has never been on court-ordered community supervision or probation for any criminal offense above the grade of a Class B misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last ten years from the date of the court order.
iii. the individual has never been convicted of an offense above the grade of a Class B misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last ten years
iv. the individual has never been convicted of any family violence offense
v. the individual is not prohibited by state or federal law from operating a motor vehicle.
- An individual who has had a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge or a bad conduct discharge from military service will be ineligible.
- An individual who is prohibited by state or federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition will be ineligible.
Does the Academy disqualify applicants for any other reason than those mentioned above?
You must pass an entrance exam that determines level of basic reading, writing and math skills. In addition, you must also pass a physical examination, psychological examination, drug screening, and meet a physical fitness standard. Failure to pass any one of these requirements will exclude an applicant from the Academy.
There is no college degree exception for the entrance exam requirement and there are no other exceptions to the other entrance standards.
How long does a basic academy take to complete?
The Basic Peace Officer Course is over 950 hours. The course is approximately 8 hours per day and you will complete the program in approximately 5-6 months.
Note: Due to the logistics of some blocks of training, there will be approximately 2-3 weekend classes during the basic academy training. These dates will be announced with anticipation for the cadet to make necessary arrangements to take these assigned weeks off if they are currently working. Students are advised of these dates on Orientation Day.
What is the cost of the academy?
Effective December 16, 2022, BPOC tuition for the Basic Peace Officer Course is $3800 per student to start with the 2023 Bravo Class and forward.
Tuition covers:
*Class A and Class B AACOG Academy uniforms
*Use of Academy training pistols, training ammunition, and protective gear
*Use of Academy Firearms pistols and shotguns
*Live ammunition for the pistols and shotguns
*Use of Academy patrol vehicles
*Use of duty gear and other equipment (including training baton, training TASER, and training OC Spray
*Also included with the tuition are additional certifications and trainings in:
Tactical trauma care
ASP Baton
OC "Pepper" Spray
TASER (Electronic Control Device)
Active shooter first responder
NAPD (National Academy for Professional Driving) Tactical Police Driving
Body Worn Camera
Additional costs: During the application process students must pay for their state mandated medical clearance and drug screening ($126.00). The state mandated psychological testing about ($300.00) and the state mandated background check is about ($40.00). A driving record ($4.00). The cost for the medical/drug screen and the background check are payable to the facilities performing the service.
Do I have to pay the entire cost up front?
A student is required to pay for the medical/drug screen, the psychological test, background check and a type 1 status record, during the application process.
For Tuition: Credit card payments, cashier's or personal checks or money orders are accepted (no cash is accepted) and students will be given instructions on how to pay by the method of their choosing when they receive their acceptance letter. A copy of the confirmed payment will need to be brought to the class facilitator to show proof of payment. Although students are permitted to prepay for everything up front, a student may opt for our installment, which has no interest rate or fee to participate. Beginning with the 2023 Bravo Class and forward, the plan calls for a payment of $1,900.00 to be paid on Orientation Day of the course, a second payment of $1,900.00 is due by mid-term exam.
Does the Academy offer any financial assistance?
Other than the installment plan mentioned above, the Academy is approved for V.A. Benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs program.
Are uniforms required?
As a traditional police academy, we have standards that govern rules of conduct; including a dress code. This code requires all students wearing the approved Academy uniform.
Does the Academy require me to purchase a weapon?
No the Academy will provide all firearms related training weapons. No personal weapons will be allowed at the Academy, including all training.
Is there any physical training involved?
The law enforcement profession demands the mastery of many physical skills such as driving, shooting, and defensive tactics. Much of the training will include hands-on instruction requiring the student to participate in physically demanding tasks.
The Academy requires applicants to pass an entrance physical fitness assessment prior to beginning the Academy. For more information: Please contact Academy staff at 210-362-5291.
How lenient is the Academy on attendance if I have schedule conflicts?
The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) mandates attendance requirements. For this reason, the Academy requires, without exception, that you attend 95% of all classroom instruction and 100% of all tactical "hands on" training. Failure to meet this standard will result in termination from the program.
Are there any other issues that may cause termination?
Typically poor attendance and poor academics account for a large part of class attrition. However, violations of a stringent code of conduct can result in termination. As a Texas Peace Officer you will be held to a higher ethical and professional standard than the average citizen and this is reinforced in our Academy. Consequently, cadets are required to avoid conduct that is unbecoming to a Peace Officer.
Does the Academy assist me with job placement if I successfully complete this course?
Yes. Although the Academy does not have a formal job placement office, law enforcement recruiters frequently visit the Academy, and the Academy holds job fairs for all cadets. We also make every effort to make our cadets aware of job prospects and facilitate the employment process.
What do I have to do to get started in the application process for the Academy?
Step 1:
The enrollment process starts with the completion of a passing grade on an entrance exam. There is no study guide for the entrance exam. In order to take the entrance exam, you must bring the following required documentation the day of the exam:
1. Payment in the amount of $35.00. (Only payment in the form of a money order, check, credit/debit card or cash IN THE EXACT AMOUNT will be accepted).
2. Proof of Citizenship (i.e. Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate).
3. Valid driver's license.
4. Copy of high school diploma or high school transcript reflecting date of completion.
5. Copy of GED.
6. Proof of auto liability insurance.
7. member 4 Form/DD214 (if prior military).
Step 2:
Upon successful completion of the entrance exam, you will be given a registration packet that will include the following documents:
1. C-1 form to be completed and signed by applicant.
2. Release of Liability and Hold Harmless form to be signed by applicant in front of a notary.
3. Informed consent form to be signed by applicant.
4. Medical Questionnaire to be completed by applicant and reviewed and signed by a licensed physician.
5. Medical Clearance form to be completed and signed by a licensed physician.
6. L-2 form to be completed and signed by a licensed physician after a complete physical exam and drug screen results.
7. L-3 form to be completed and signed by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist after a complete evaluation.
8. F.A.S.T. background check records request to be completed by applicant.
9. A Type 1 Status Drivers record.
10. Additional information for the upcoming Basic Peace Officer Course(s).
With the exception of the F.A.S.T. background check records request, the psychological test results, and the type 1 status driver record, all documents must be returned to the Academy prior to scheduling the physical training entrance exam.
NOTE: The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requires all Basic Peace Officer Academy Cadets to complete a Personal History Statement. Applicants should start completing this after they start the application process with the Academy. The Personal History Statement will be due on the first day of class. TCOLE Personal History Statement.
How will I know that I've been accepted to the Academy?
Class space is limited. Applicants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. The first 40 applicants who have successfully completed and returned all documentation will be seated in the current class. All remaining applicants will be seated in the next scheduled class.
Applicants with incomplete documentation will be seated in the next scheduled class after receipt of all completed documents. Applicants will be notified by email prior to the scheduled class date that they have been accepted into the Academy. Applicants are expected to confirm their intention to attend the mandatory orientation day when they receive the email.
Is the Academy Veteran Affairs Approved?
Yes. Tuition Payment Options:
Tuition Option 1: Veterans Administration: Students who qualify for Veterans Benefits may call (888) 442-4551 or log in to: How To Apply For The GI Bill And Related Benefits | Veterans Affairs ( for verification of these benefits. Students must notify the Academy that they intend to use this as a source of financial aid. Once approved by the V.A., students will complete all necessary paperwork on Orientation Day. If the V.A. pays the student directly while attending class, the student must make his/her payment under Tuition Option 2 listed below. If using Post 9-1-1, the V. A. will pay the school directly.
Tuition Option 2: Student may make two scheduled payments. Day 1, Orientation Day $1,900.00. Balance will be due by Mid-Term exam $1,900.00.