Defensive Tactics/Subdue and Control for Police Officers, Corrections and Jailers #2040

Event Type
In-Service Course
Start Date
End Date
Course: Defensive Tactics/Subdue and Control for Police Officers, Corrections and Jailers #2040
TCOLE Mandated
Peace Officer

Minimum 10 officers with a maximum of 20 officers. The class needs to have an even number of students for better practical application.

The primary goal of the course is “Officer Safety”.  The student will learn defensive tactics/subdue and control techniques that will always place them in safe positions.  The student will learn concepts on wellness and fitness to assist them in leading healthy lifestyle that will improve their work performance and minimize the use of sick leave.  The student will learn current liability issues, and how to minimize complaints of excessive force and rudeness complaints. Emphasis on De-Escalation techniques. And learn the legal ramifications of using excessive force.

This course includes:

Day 1- Wellness and Fitness to include a one-hour block of High Intensity Training (HIT)*, Day 1 also includes pressure points and pain compliance techniques, sweeps and takedown techniques, proper strikes and kicks.

Day 2- Wellness and fitness, ground fighting techniques, blocks and control techniques, practical drills that include grappling escapes, one on one subdue and control and two on one subdue and control techniques, and Combative handcuffing drills.

*This is a base line workout to gauge individual physical abilities.

This course includes cardiovascular, strength training and basic defensive techniques.  If you are concerned with these physical demands, please consult with your doctor and respective agency before attending this course.


Instructor: Master Robert "Bobby" Moreno is a retired San Antonio Police Officer who served for forty years.  Bobby spent a majority of that time as the Physical Fitness/Arrest and Control Coordinator assigned to SAPD's Academy.  Bobby is a Subject Matter Expert.

Bobby has spent a lifetime mastering mixed martial arts and is in the Mixed Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Bobby has owned and operates Blue Tiger Mixed Martial Arts Studio.

Instructor Name
Robert "Bobby" Moreno
Academy Wetmore

12625 Wetmore Rd, Suite 436
San Antonio, TX 78247
United States

Open to those not in law enforcement?
Agency Only (Hosted)
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